Personal Info Your name: Xrhstos
Age: 16
Your country: Ellada
Occupation:servotoros prosorina ( gia kalokairi)
Spoken languages: Ellinika agglika gallika kai korakistika
Experience, playtimes and general info Battle.Net
Account Name: ToGeTheR_PaiDeS
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: NoL, eleos, gr , grc , H3ll , brbu , oTrS , dota-pride, escape.
Your activity and average playtime each week: Guro stis 50-60
Which time of the day you usually play: Vradi 2-4 kai prWi 11-6
How long you have been playingDotA: 4 xronia alla mono 3 sto bnet. Ta prWta xronia epaixa lan me filous
Your ability to communicate with others: Polu kalh, pisteuW oti eimai katanoitos kai sumpathitikos. Episeis milaW kai polles glWsses pragma pou voithaei se auto.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? nai, pisteuW oti einai polu kaloi kai eukolo na tous akolouthiseis gia ena kalo game.
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?Arxika prospathW e3igontas ta pragmata apla kai me Wraio tropo na voithisW to team na antapel3elthei stis duskolies. Apo ekei kai pera an dn niothei dn mporW na kanW kati parapanW
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? Oxi dn exW..
(according to ranks) Is there anyone who can vouch for you?Polla paidia pou 3eroun to skill m kai emena prosopika tha mporousan.
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) Den exei server tWra poia, alla mias kai einai coppy paste to appl apo tn dota alliance tha prepei na t diorthosete giati kai apo ekei tha aferethei.
Final Thoughts*
Why do you want to be an Admin: Giati tha exW tn dunatotika na kanW game stis 4is pou oloi feugoun gia nani kai giati tha hthela na eimai safelist se ena akoma channel.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: Tha kanW polla game kai tha eimai enas sWstos admin
A few things about yourself: Hmmm... Eimai metalas alla akouW kai rock, EImai krhthkos, eimai stous felloW insomnia, tn deutera tha fasWsW tn aimilia, eimai gamatos, dernW opoion m tn spaei, pairnW 50 euro tn mera apo tn taverna, kai klevW ta mpourmpouar. a episeis exW na 3iristW 3 mines.
Additional information: O domatas den tha thelei na me kanei admin an k tn exW sWsei logo t oti tn eixa kanei ban ( kai meta unban alla dn t exei dei
). ExW ligotera apo 50 game, alla mias kai kaneis apo tous allous pou kanoun appl dn exoun 50 eipa na kanW kai egW. Oti thete na rWtisete np tha eimai online na sas apantisW.